Mediamorphosis is a theory by Roger Fidler that
states that new media do not arise spontaneously and independently but the
morph from something that is existing or emerge gradually from the
metamorphosis while the older forms of media tend to adapt and evolve
continuously rather than to die. The Mediamorphosis theory is also known as the
‘digital metamorphosis’ that explains and estimate the changes in the digital
world and its culture. ‘New Media’ is created to update and upgrade the old
media where technology is constantly changing, and involving from time to time.
This term used by the Fidler means “the
transformation of communication media, usually brought about by the complex
interplay of perceived needs, competitive and political pressures and scial ang
technological innovations” (Fidler, 1997)
For example, Digitalization is a main feature of
Mediamorphosis of the artistic communication and its development is important
to the production, reproduction and distribution and reception of products.
Digitalization changed the way we manipulate texts, images and sounds which are
used to be tied to paper film, vinyl and more. New forms of art are introduced
such as 3D modelling, installations, hybrids, film arts and etc.
Fidler identifies six principles of Mediamorphosis:
Coexistence and coevolution of media forms, gradual metamorphosis of new media
forms from old ones, propagation of dominant traits in media forms in media
forms, survival of media forms and enterprises in changing environment, merits
and needs for adopting new media and delays from proof of concept to widespread
adoption of new media.
The first principle: Coexistence and coevolution of
media states that all media coexist with other media and that these media
coevolve and influence over time and development of their existing form. I.e.,
the AM (Amplitude Modulation) radio coevolved with television after the World
War II era and coevolved to FM (Frequency Modulation) radio to take most of the
music audience.
The second principle: Gradual metamorphosis explains
that new media arise gradually changes or develop from another media format.
The third principle: Propagation explains that media
propagate dominant traits from older forms and are passed and spread to the new
media. For example, News prints and televisions are developed to websites that
positions articles and headlines and adding video segments on the website.
Another example is form of distributing information or a message. Instant
messaging and short messaging as a new form to transmit information. This is
the convergence of a form of person to person communication through mass medium
and it had to evolve to the environment.
The fourth principle: Survival where the old media
continues to adapt and evolve in accordance to the changing conditions of time
rather than to die.
The fifth principle is the Opportunity and needs
where new media don’t succeed without
market opportunity and motivating social, political, and economical reasons.
The last principle: Delayed Adoption states that new
technologies take longer than expected to attain commercial success.
The three great Mediamorphosis in human
communication are:
1. Spoken
Development of “broadcast” forms of
storytelling and ritual performances.
Leads to social group formation and
complex problem solving skills
2. Written
Development of portable documents,
printing, mass media
3. Digital
This allows communication through
technology or machines between humans. Technology extends human interactions
widespread throughout the world. The three domains of human communication are:
Interpersonal- communication between one
person to another
Broadcast- refers to the level of
Document or Internet- refers to mass
media such as radio and television news.
this sense it is not seen here only as a new distribution channel that enhances
in an unprecedented way of already is existing distribution channels.
In conclusion, Mediamorphosis is a way of thinking
on the technological evolution of communication media that emerge gradually from
the metamorphosis of old media and the when latest forms of communication media
emerge, the older forms don’t die but adapt and evolve. Mediamorphosis
Mediamorphosis is a theory by Roger Fidler that
states that new media do not arise spontaneously and independently but the
morph from something that is existing or emerge gradually from the
metamorphosis while the older forms of media tend to adapt and evolve
continuously rather than to die. The Mediamorphosis theory is also known as the
‘digital metamorphosis’ that explains and estimate the changes in the digital
world and its culture. ‘New Media’ is created to update and upgrade the old
media where technology is constantly changing, and involving from time to time.
This term used by the Fidler means “the
transformation of communication media, usually brought about by the complex
interplay of perceived needs, competitive and political pressures and scial ang
technological innovations” (Fidler, 1997)
For example, Digitalization is a main feature of
Mediamorphosis of the artistic communication and its development is important
to the production, reproduction and distribution and reception of products.
Digitalization changed the way we manipulate texts, images and sounds which are
used to be tied to paper film, vinyl and more. New forms of art are introduced
such as 3D modelling, installations, hybrids, film arts and etc.
Fidler identifies six principles of Mediamorphosis:
Coexistence and coevolution of media forms, gradual metamorphosis of new media
forms from old ones, propagation of dominant traits in media forms in media
forms, survival of media forms and enterprises in changing environment, merits
and needs for adopting new media and delays from proof of concept to widespread
adoption of new media.
The first principle: Coexistence and coevolution of
media states that all media coexist with other media and that these media
coevolve and influence over time and development of their existing form. I.e.,
the AM (Amplitude Modulation) radio coevolved with television after the World
War II era and coevolved to FM (Frequency Modulation) radio to take most of the
music audience.
The second principle: Gradual metamorphosis explains
that new media arise gradually changes or develop from another media format.
The third principle: Propagation explains that media
propagate dominant traits from older forms and are passed and spread to the new
media. For example, News prints and televisions are developed to websites that
positions articles and headlines and adding video segments on the website.
Another example is form of distributing information or a message. Instant
messaging and short messaging as a new form to transmit information. This is
the convergence of a form of person to person communication through mass medium
and it had to evolve to the environment.
The fourth principle: Survival where the old media
continues to adapt and evolve in accordance to the changing conditions of time
rather than to die.
The fifth principle is the Opportunity and needs
where new media don’t succeed without
market opportunity and motivating social, political, and economical reasons.
The last principle: Delayed Adoption states that new
technologies take longer than expected to attain commercial success.
The three great Mediamorphosis in human
communication are:
1. Spoken
Development of “broadcast” forms of
storytelling and ritual performances.
Leads to social group formation and
complex problem solving skills
2. Written
Development of portable documents,
printing, mass media
3. Digital
This allows communication through
technology or machines between humans. Technology extends human interactions
widespread throughout the world. The three domains of human communication are:
Interpersonal- communication between one
person to another
Broadcast- refers to the level of
Document or Internet- refers to mass
media such as radio and television news.
this sense it is not seen here only as a new distribution channel that enhances
in an unprecedented way of already is existing distribution channels.
In conclusion, Mediamorphosis is a way of thinking
on the technological evolution of communication media that emerge gradually from
the metamorphosis of old media and the when latest forms of communication media
emerge, the older forms don’t die but adapt and evolve.
there are spelling errors many.
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